Current Appointment

2019 ­– Present

Assistant Professor, American Studies, School of Modern Languages and Cultures, The University of Hong Kong

Affiliated Faculty, Art History Department, The University of Hong Kong



PhD Art History, The Graduate Center of The City University of New York
"Finish Fetish: Art, Artists, and Alter Egos in Los Angeles of the 1960s," PhD Dissertation also on WorldCat
Committee: Anna Chave, Claire Bishop, David Joselit, Julia Bryan-Wilson, Alexandra Schwartz

Previous Appointments

2018 – 2019

Postdoctoral Fellow, Society of Fellows in the Humanities, The University of Hong Kong (3-year position, 2018–2021; left after 1 year for an Assistant Professorship)

2016 – 2018

Doheny Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The Huntington–University of Southern California (USC) History Department, Institute on California and the West

2015 – 2016

Curatorial Fellow, List Visual Arts Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA. ReadingGroupRole-PlayingMIT[SYM] ​Reading Group: Role-Playing. ReadingGroupBetweenTrustandDeceitMIT[SYM] Reading Group: Between Trust and Deceit. ​Curatorial Tour: Tala Madani. ​IAP Workshop, Beyond the "Like": Collecting and Contemporary Art

2014 – 2015

Visiting Lecturer, Department of Art and Art History, Tufts University, Medford, MA

Fellowships & Grants


2025 – 2026

Tyson Scholars of American Art Fellow, Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art (awarded for 2024–2025, deferred to 2025–2026).

2021 – 2022

Association for Art History, Publication (Image) Grant [for: hide text "Boggs Bills: Contrast Agents in Art and Law," Crime, Media, Culture, 2023]

2020 – 2021

SECAC Levin Award for Research in the History of Art

Early Career Scheme (ECS) Grant, Research Grants Council (RGC), HK (awarded 06/2020; grant period 01/2021–12/2023). hide text Project description.

2019 – 2020

Terra Foundation for American Art, Research Travel Grant to the United States

Association for Art History, Publication (Image) Grant [for: hide text "Financial True Crime," Art History, 2021]

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, William P. Heidrich Research Fellowship

2018 – 2019

Association for Art History, Conference Bursary for Early Career Researchers. hide text Website.

Association of Historians of American Art, Professional Travel Grant

2017 – 2018

Kennan Institute, The Wilson Center, Washington, DC, Short-Term Grant [for: hide text "Aesthetic Incongruity: Art and Humor in Post-Independence Azerbaijan," in Humor in Global Contemporary Art, eds. Mette Gieskes and Gregory H. Williams (Bloomsbury, 2024)]

Society for the Preservation of American Modernists (SPAM), Publication (Image) Grant [for: hide text "Uncivil Obedience," American Art, 2020]

2016 – 2017

Pennsylvania State University, Eberly Library, Through the Flower Research Travel Award

American Councils & U.S. State Department, Critical Language Alumni Development Scholarship. hide text Website.

2015 – 2016

The Huntington Library, Diane and Trevor Morris Fellowship

Brandeis University, Hadassah–Brandeis Institute Research Award

2014 – 2015

Harvard University, Radcliffe Institute, Schlesinger Library Dissertation Grant. hide text Website.

New York University (NYU) Summer Institute for Technical Studies in Art (SITSA), "The Artist’s Book: Materials and Processes"

University of Arizona, Center for Creative Photography, Todd Walker Fellowship

Buffalo Bill Center of the West, Cody, WY, Resident Fellowship

University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Eadington Fellowship in Gaming Research

2013 – 2014

Smithsonian Institution, Archives of American Art, Pre-Doctoral Fellowship

Georgia O’Keeffe Museum and Research Center, Santa Fe, NM, Fellowship in American Modernism. hide text Website.

College Art Association (CAA), Graduate Student Conference Travel Grant. hide text Website.

SECAC Gulnar Bosch Travel Award [2013–2014 & 2014–2015]. hide text Website.

IIE Fulbright to Azerbaijan (awarded; could not accept due to funding delays caused by the 2013 budget sequestration)

2012 – 2013

Amon Carter Museum of American Art, Fort Worth, TX, Davidson Family Fellowship

American Councils & U.S. State Department, Critical Language Scholarship to Baku, Azerbaijan

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), James and Sylvia Thayer Short-Term Research Fellowship

2011 – 2012

The Center for Craft, Creativity, & Design, Graduate Research Grant

The Hagley Museum and Library, Exploratory Research Grant. hide text Website.


2022 – 2023

Teaching Exchange Fellowship Scheme (awarded 02/2023; grant period 06/2023–05/2024).

2021 – 2022

Common Core – Teaching Development Grant (awarded 06/2022; grant period 06/2022–05/2024).

2016 – 2017

Postdoctoral Scholar Training & Travel Award, University of Southern California (USC) [2016-2017_USC_PostdoctoralScholarTrainingandTravelAward[SYM] 2016-2017 & 2017-2018_USC_PostdoctoralScholarTrainingandTravelAward[SYM] 2017-2018]


08/2024 – present: Faculty Teaching and Learning Quality Committee (FTLQC), HKU

01/2022 – present: Reviewer (on a need basis), Ethical Vetting of Research Projects involving Artefacts, Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC), HKU

08/2020 ­– 01/2022: "Acting" Programme Director of American Studies, HKU

09/2020 – 10/2022: Chief Examiner of American Studies, HKU